Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why Student Athletes Drop Out of School

I. Student Athletes Dropping Out of School for Better Offers

Why are student athletes dropping out of school? We learn from Joshua Huffman from Associated Content (Huffman, 2009) that student athletes are leaving school early for professional sports jobs. He says that, “Today, more student athletes are leaving school early for a chance to pursue their dream of professional sports. This has created a demand in forcing student athletes to pursue their college degree in entirety before being permitted in professional sports.” Cheap custom papers is the best solution for busy students. When given the opportunity to earn a very large amount of money for playing professional sports rather than staying in school and getting proper education, some students are electing to deny the chance to stay in school and moving toward earning money early in their lives, instead of going to school and finishing out their education. Money plays a huge factor in their decision along with the fact that they are making achievements immediately in their lives versus staying in school and gaining huge amounts of money and achieving their career goals later in life. Jones strongly believes this problem is a huge issue that needs to be directly identified and addressed in order to find better ways of keeping student athletes in school.

II. Student Athletes Dropping Out of School Due to Poor College Preparation

Dr. Stephen Jones explains that poor college preparation contributes to student athletes dropping out of school, early. He tells us that this problem is serious and cannot be ignored. (Jones, 2008) African Americans are at a higher risk of dropping out of school since the largest percent of athletes in our school are African Americans who are easily persuaded to drop out of school when large amounts of money and other desirable opportunities are presented to them. According to Dr. Stephen Jones each year more than 50 percent of African American students drop out of high school and college. This has a significant impact on athletes who play sports.

III. Student Athletes Behind Academically

It is very likely that student athletes sometimes are behind in their school level. Jones also tells us when it comes to academic progress, “There are some very basic elements of the education process that are critical for students to succeed in college and they include the ability to read and compute.” You have to buy custom papers from trusted online sources. It is extremely important for student athletes to receive a good education during their elementary, middle school and high school years and it is critical that they aren’t promoted to higher grades unless they meet standard grade level requirements before being promoted. Often students are promoted because of their athletic abilities while teachers sometimes overlook their poor grades and lack of education. Alice Kepner from the News Journal (Kepner, 2006) explains that “Dropouts are a problem in many of our states.” With this in mind, we understand that athletes need to get ahead academically in order to make improvements to stop student athletes from dropping out of school.

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